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16 ноября 13, 22:50
VA - The+Best+Instrumental+Metal+-+vol.19 (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.19
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Atmospheric Black Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Technical Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Neo-Classic
01. Uruk-Hai - The lord of the rings part II
02. Apocalyptica - Coma
03. Arch Enemy - Snow Bound
04. Cyntia Witthoft - The Road Riders
05. Equilibrium - Wald Der Freiheit
06. Jimi Hendrix - Instrumental Jam
07. Nile - Enduring the Eternal Molestation of Flame
08. Rainbow - instrumental demo
09. The Boys Of Country Nashville - Nothing Else Matters
10. The String Quartet - Comfortably Numb
11. Uruk-Hai - Wrath of the ring part I
12. Yngwie Malmsteen - Brothers
13. Morbid Angel - Drum Check
14. Apocalyptica - Hall Of The Mountain King
15. Arch Enemy - Snow Bound
16. Cynthia Witthoft - Lady of Siluva
17. Equilibrium - Wigrid
18. Jimi Hendrix - Instrumental
19. Nile - Hittite dung incantation
20. Rainbow - Vielleicht Das Nachster Zeit
21. The Boys Of Country Nashville - Seek and Destroy
22. The Scothed Earth Orchestra - Battery
23. The String Quartet - Money
24. Uruk-hai - Wrath of the ring part II
25. Yngwie Malmsteen - Crying
26. Morbid Angel - Born Again
27. Apocalyptica - Until It Sleeps
28. Arch Enemy - Stigmata
29. Cynthia Witthoft - Tribute To The Exploited
30. JIMI HENDRIX - Guitar - blues
31. Jimi Hendrix - Love
32. Nile - Infinity Of Stone
33. Rainbow - Since You Been Gone
34. The Boys Of Country Nashville - Sad But True
35. The Scothed Earth Orchestra - Master Of Puppets
36. The String Quartet - Breathe
37. Uruk-Hai - Middle earth part I
38. Yngwie Malmsteen - Dawn
39. Apocalyptica - Fight Fire With Fire
40. Arch Enemy - We Will Rise
41. Cynthia Witthoft - Queen’s Dance of Death
42. Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
43. Nile - Papyrus Containing The Spell To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The Water
44. Rainbow - Since You Been Gone
45. The Boys Of Country Nashville - Whiskey in the Jar
46. The Scothed Earth Orchestra - The Thing That Should Not Be
47. The String Quartet - Another Brick In The Wall
48. Uruk-Hai - Middle earth part II
49. Arch Enemy - The Heaviest and Most Epic Metal
50. Nile - Permitting the noble dead to descend to the underworld
51. Cynthia Witthoft - Relics of Our Satanic Predecessors
52. Jimi Hendrix - Instrumental
53. Rainbow - Still I'm Sad
54. The Boys Of Country Nashville- Hero of the Day
55. The Scothed Earth Orchestra - Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
56. The String Quartet - A Floydian Slip
57. Yngwie Malmsteen - Flamenco Diablo
58. Cynthia Witthoft - The Hades Project
59. Jimi Hendrix - Instrumental Jam 1
60. Мастер - Никто Не Забыт, Ничто Не забыто
61. Metallica - Enter Sandman
62. Сергей Высокосов - Венера
63. Алик Грановский - Пепел На Ветру
64. Jimi Hendrix - Instrumental Jam 2
65. And Christmas For All - Welcome Home Sanitarium
66. Сергей Высокосов - В Глубине Моря
67. Алик Грановский - Сон
68. Jimi Hendrix - Instrumental Jam 3
69. Сергей Высокосов - На Корабле
70. Алик Грановский - Таран
71. Jimi Hendrix - Instrumental Jam 4
72. Стары Ольса - Totentanz
73. Howard Shore - Watch Your Step
74. Стары Ольса - Vojcech
75. Howard Shore - The Key
76. Стары Ольса - Drygula
77. Morbid Angel - Tortured Souls
78. Morbid Angel - Terror Of Mechagodzilla Lava
79. Morbid Angel -Triplet Lava
80. Morbid Angel -Doomcreeper
81. Morbid Angel - Laff
82. Morbid Angel -Inflections
83. Mayhem - Blues Of Death
84. Сергей Высокосов - Остров
85. Коррозия Металла - Соло в стиле Нойз
16 ноября 13, 22:37
VA - The+Best+Instrumental+Metal+-+vol.16 (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.16
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal, Glam Metal, Symphonic Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Neo-Classic
01. All That Remains - Six
02. Arch Enemy - Demoniality
03. Apocalyptica - Harmageddon
04. Blootes Science - A Sting Operation - II Cessation
05. Buckethead - Nottingham Lace
06. Cynthia Witthoft - Tense Rapid Drums and Moving Guitar with Bass, That's It!
07. Epica - Serenade Of Self-Destruction
08. Equilibrium - Turis Fratyr
09. Freddie Mercury - How Can I Go On
10. Freddie Mercury Georgio Moroder - Rotwang's Party
11. Guitar Heroes - Antz
12. Jimi Hendrix - gotta have it
13. Keith Merrow - Cosmogenesis
14. Lamb Of God - Remorse Is For The Dead
15. Marty Friedman - Kiba
16. Mastery -Power Race
17. Rainbow - Danger Zone
18. Symfomania -Небо Тебя Найдет
19. Apocalyptica - From Out Of Nowhere
20. The Odyssey - Scaling The Ocean
21. Therion - Гимн России
22. Tony Macalpine - Hundreds Of Thousands
23. The String Quartet - Enter_sandman
24. The Boys Of Country Nashvile - black mountain side
25. And Christmas For All - The Unforgiven
26. Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Majestic Blue
27. Morbid Angel - Bonus Level 07
28. Death - Misanthrope
29. Guitar Heroes - The Mystic Castle Of Dr. Shred
30. Blooted Science - A Sting Operation - III Seeing De
31. All That Remains - The Weak Willed
32. Arch Enemy - Demoniality
33. Apocalyptica - For Whom The Bell Tolls
34. Blooted Science - A Sting Operation - IV Omitting E
35. Buckethead - Padmasana
36. Cynthia Witthoft - Hard Like Steel I
37. Epica - Stay The Course
38. Equilibrium- Wald Der Freiheit
39. Freddie Mercury - In My Defence
40. Guitar Heroes - Imolan Musta Viikonloppu
41. Jimi Hendrix - Winter Blues
42. Jimi Hendrix B.B. King - San-Ho-Zay - Blues Jam
43. Keith Merrow - Malfunction
44. Lamb Of God - Ruin
45. Marty Friedman - Rock Box
46. Rainbow - Difficult to Cure
47. Symfomania - Ангельская Пыль
48. The Boys Of Country Nashvile - the battle of evermore
49. The String Quartet -ride_the_lightning
50. Apocalyptica - Nothing Else Matters
51. The Odyssey - The Hands Of Time
52. Cynthia Witthoft - Hard Like Steel II
53. Tony Macalpine - Maestro Di Cappella
54. Whitesnake - Love Ain't No Stranger
55. Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Now Is The Time
56. Burzum - Feðrahellir
57. Morbid Angel -Bonus Level 08
58. Freddie Mercury - In My Defence
59. Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing
60. Cynthia Witthoft - Hard Like Steel III
61. All That Remains - This Calling
62. Arch Enemy - Enemy Within
63. Buckethead - Power Rangers
64. Cynthia Witthoft - Roots as Veins
65. Epica - Triumph Of Defeat
66. Equilibrium - Blut Im Auge
67. Freddie Mercury - La Japonaise
68. Guitar Heroes - If God Will Send Her Angels
69. Jimi Hendrix - Trash Man
70. Keith Merrow - My Nemesis
71. Lamb Of God - Set To Fail
72. Marty Friedman - Tears Of An Angel
73. Rainbow - Eyes Of The World
74. Symfomania -Возьми Мое Сердце
75. The Boys Of Country Nashvile - over the hills and far away
76. The String Quartet - one
77. Apocalyptica - Refuse Resist
78. Tony Macalpine - Winter In Osaka
79. Whitesnake - Standing In the Shadow
80. Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Paraphrase
81. Morbid Angel-Bonus Level 09
82. Freddie Mercury-Love Kills
83. Jimi Hendrix-Little Wing
84. Marty Friedman-Viper
85. Cynthia Witthoft-Sanatoria Bialystok
86. Guitar Heroes-Hellbilly
87. Symfomania-Раскачаем Этот Мир
88. Savatage-Visions
89. Howard Shore-The Mouse
90.Cтары Ольса-U Karaleuskim Vojsku
91. Howard Shore-Automaton - Orphans
92. Стары Ольса-Platerspiel
93. Howard Shore-Police
94. Стары Ольса-A Que Por
95. Sabaton-White Death
96. Burzum- Sôlarguði
97. Morbid Angel-Bonus Level 10
98. Morbid Angel-Bonus Level 11
99. Morbid Angel-Bonus Level 12
100. Mayhem-Chainsaw Gutsfuck
16 ноября 13, 22:34
VA - The+Best+Instrumental+Metal+-+vol.15 (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.15
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Atmospheric Black Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Symphonic Metal
01. Symfomania - Баллада О Древнерусском Воине
02. The Odyssey - Through The Clouds
03. Apocalyptica - The Unforgiven
04. Tony Macalpine - Edge Of Insanity
05. Vildhjarta - Traces
06. Vision Divine - Nemesis
07. Warmen - Return Of Salieri
08. Whitesnake - Give Me All Your Love
09. Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Baroque Roll
10. Morbid Angel -Bonus Level 03
11. Death - Zero Tolerance
12. Morbid Angel - Bonus Level 04
13. Burzum - Sôlarrâs
14. Morbid Angel - Bonus Level 05
15. Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland
16. Freddie Mercury - Foolin' Around
17. Guitar Heroes - Fat Batman
18. Blooted Science - Vermicular Asphyxiation
19. All That Remains - It Dwells In Me
20. Arch Enemy - Blood on your hands
21. Apocalyptica - Sad But True
22. Buckethead - Chaos of the Unconscious
23. Cynthia Witthoft - Conspiracy Theory
24. Dissection - Starless Aeon
25. Epica - Blank Infinity
26. Equilibrium -Wigrid
27. Freddie Mercury - Guide Me Home
28. Guitar Heroes - Soap On The Rope
29. Iron Mask - Secret Tunnel Of The King
30. Jimi Hendrix - Freedo
31. Keith Merrow - Cetus
32. Lamb Of God - We Die Alone
33. Marty Friedman - Corazon De Santiago
34. Mayhem - Carnage
35. Pharaoh - Riddim
35. Jug - Burn Out
36. Powerglove - Mario Minor
37. Rainbow - Bad Girl
38. Suidakra - Slán
39. Symfomania - Последний Закат
40. Apocalyptica - Creeping Death
41. The Odyssey - Machines Of The Sky
42. Therion - O Fortuna
43. Tony Macalpine - Edge Of Insanity
44. Vildhjarta - shiver
45. Vision Divine - Forgotten worlds
46. Warmen - Salieri Strikes Back
47. Whitesnake - Here I Go Again
48. Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Fuguetta
49. Death - Crystal Mountain
50. Morbid Angel-Bonus Level 06
51. Burzum - Haugaeldr
52. Apocalyptica - Wherever I May Roam
53. All That Remains - Passion
54. Arch Enemy - Burning Angel
55. Blooted Science - A Sting Operation - I Human Barbe
56. Buckethead - Ghost
57. Cynthia Witthoft - Iterative Process
58. Epica - Serenade Of Self-Destruction
59. Equilibrium - Im Fackelschein
60. Freddie Mercury - Horns Of Doom
61. Guitar Heroes - Ulterior Motive
62. Iron Mask - Warchild Requiem
63. Jimi Hendrix - Hush Now
64. Keith Merrow - Titan
65. Lamb Of God - Redneck
66. Marty Friedman - Forbidden City
67. Powerglove - Speed Metal Tetris
68. Cynthia Witthoft - Monster of Mosh
69. Rainbow - Can't Let You Go
70. Suidakra - Ar Nasc Fola
71. Symfomania - Осколок Льда
72. Apocalyptica - Welcome Home(Sanitarium)
73. The Odyssey - City In Ruin
74. Therion - Symphony Of The Dead
75. Tony Macalpine - Gila Monster
76. Vision Divine - Incipit
77. Whitesnake - Hit an' Run
78. Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Guardian Angel
79. Cynthia Witthoft - Three Years of Hell to Become the Devil
80. Guitar Heroes- Sauna Blast
81. Jimi Hendrix - Lullaby For The Summer
82. Freddie Mercury - HOW CAN I GO ON
83. Rainbow - Difficult To Cure
84. Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Krakatau
85. Whitesnake - Soul Survivor
86. Cynthia Witthoft - Evil Grandmother Hardcore
87. Sonic Syndicate - Power Shift
88. Savatage - Temptation Revelation
89. Howard Shore - Be Steadfast
90. The Absence - Prosperity
91. Threat Signal - Trust In None
92. Mayhem - Deathcrush
16 ноября 13, 22:31
VA - The+Best+Instrumental+Metal+-+vol.14 (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.14
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Power Metal, Symphonic Metal
01. Symfomania- Штиль
02. Yngwie J. Malmsteen- Guardian Angel
03. Nightwish - Turn Loose The Mermaids
04. Stratovarius - Call Of The Wilderness
05. Alexi Laiho - - Are You Dead Yet
06. All That Remains - Become The Catalyst
07. Andy James - Against The Gods
08. Apocalyptica - Enter Sandman
09. Arch Enemy - Marching On A Dead End Road
10. Black Label Society - Slightly Amped
11. Buckethead - Angel Monster
12. Burzum - Dunkelheit
13. Cain's Offering - Elegantly Broken
14. Canvas Solaris - Soliton
15. Chimp Spanner - Under One Sky
16. Cynthia Witthoft - Latin Revolution
17. Derdian - Before the War
18. Dissection - No Dreams Breed In Breathless Sleep
19. Epica - Blank Infinity
20. Equilibrium - Heimdalls Ruf
21. Exivious - Embrace The Unknown
22. Freddie Mercury - Barcelona
23. Gaia Epicus - Innovation
24. Gaia Prelude - Gaia Prelude
25. Iron Mask - Enemy Brother Overture
26. Jimi Hendrix - B.B. King Slow
27. John 5 - Beat It
28. Keith Merrow - Bioluminescent
29. King Diamond - Insanity
30. Labyrinth - Vertigo
31. Lamb Of God - Hit the Wall
32. Lightnin' Rod Jimi Hendrix - Doriella Du Fontaine
33. Little Richard Jimi Hendrix - Lucille
34. Magic Kingdom - Black Magic Castle
35. Marty Friedman - Arrival
36. Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon
37. Mercyful Fate - Room of Golden Air
38. Morgion - Phoenix Moons
39. Obscura - Orbital Elements
40. Patrick Rondat - Equinox IV
41. Pharaoh - Devil and the deep dark ocean
42. Powerglove - Holy Orders
43. Rainbow - All Night Long
44. Shadow Venger - Jujimufu
45. Suidakra - Serenade To A Dream
46. Symfomania - Герой Асфальта
47. Apocalyptica - Master Of Puppets
48. Therion - Invocation of Naamah
49. Tony Macalpine - City Beneath The Sea
50. Vildhjarta - Lady luck dont fail me now
51. Vision Divine - Fool's Garden
52. Warmen - Japanese Hospitality
53. Whitesnake - Give Me All Your Love
54. Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Air
55. Zakk Wylde - Sold My Soul
56. Death - Symbolic Acts
57. Morbid Angel - Bonus Level 01
58. Burzum - Sôl austan
59. Morbid Angel -Bonus Level 02
60. Ольви - Ангел и Демон
61. Сергей Высокосов - Вселенная
62. Burzum - Rûnar munt þû finna
63. The Odyssey - Shadow In The Mist
64. Blooted Science - Ingesting Blattaria
65. Guitar Heroes - 12 Donkeys
66. All That Remains - Indictment
67. Andy James - Flight Of Icarus
68. Apocalyptica - Harvester Of Sorrow
69. Arch Enemy - Anthems
70. Tuscan - Sun Drive
71. Blooted Science - Cretaceous Chasm
72. Buckethead - Binge And Grab
73. Burzum - Lost Wisdom
74. Cain's Offering - Gather The Faithful
75. Cynthia Witthoft - Human Providence
76. Derdian - Entering The Cage
77. Dissection - At The Fathomless Depths
78. Epica - Safeguard to Paradise
79. Equilibrium - Outro
80. Freddie Mercury - Ensueno
81. GAIA PRELUDE - To Beyond Of THe Infinity
82. Guitar Heroes - Sioux City Sarsaparilla
83. Iron Mask - Morgana's Castle
84. Jimi Hendrix - Bold As Love
85. John 5 - Welcome to the Jungle
86. Keith Merrow - Ceres
87. King Diamond - Peace Of Mind
88. Lamb Of God - Reclamation
89. Marty Friedman - Barbie
90. Mayhem - Ghoul
91. Patrick Rondat - 614 HSO
92. Pharaoh - Pharaoh sails to Orion
93. Powerglove - This Is Halloween
94. Rainbow - Anybody there
95. Shadow Venger - Striking Thoughts
96. Suidakra - Dead Man's Reel
97. Savatage - Silk And Steel
98. Howard Shore - To The Bookstore
99. Shadows Fall - Casting Shade
100. Sonic Syndicate - Mїstitia...
101. Judas Priest - Victim of Changes
102. Ozzy Osbourne - Facing Hell
103. Сергей Высокосов - Midnight
16 ноября 13, 21:52
VA - The+Best+Instrumental+Metal+-+vol.07 (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.07
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, GLam Metal, Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Medieval Folk Rock
01. Metallica - Blackened
02. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
03. Ария - Небо тебя найдет
04. Мастер - Места хватит всем
05. Артерия - Пламя
06. Nobody One - В Стекло
07. Jug - Joyrider
08. Metallica - Enter Sandman
09. Kreator - Phobia
10. Machine Head - Slanderous Love Song
11. Celtic Frost - Tears in a Prophet's Dream
12. Death - Vacant Planets
13. Megadeth - Dialectic Chaos
14. Mantas - Hurricane
15. Scorpions - Humanity
16. Black Sabbath - Guilty As Hell
17. AC-DC - Sin City
18. Aerosmith - Subway
19. Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
20. Queen - Hammer to Fall
21. Motley Crue - Kickstart My Heart
21. Nobody One - Трагедия Жизни
22. Blackmore's Night - Memmingen
23. Мельница - Королевна
24. Victor Smolski - Forlane
25. Cергей Маврин - Flying
26. Dream Theater - In the Name of God
27. Nightwish - Master Passion Greed
28. Tarja Turunen - If You Believe
29. Apocalyptica - Cohkka
30. Burzum - Ansuzgardaraiwo
31. Сradle Of Filth - Funeral in Carpathia
32. Dimmu Borgir - Kings of the Carnaval Creation
33. At The Gates - Into The Dead Sky
34. Death - Overactive Imagination
35. Opeth - Patterns in the Ivy
36. My Dying Bride - Silent Dance
37. In Flames - Evil In A Closet
38. Children Of Bodom - Roundtriptohellandback
39. Blind Guardian - This World is Sacred
40. Ария - Бесы
41. Testament - Nostrovia
42. Celtic Frost - Triptych III. Winter
43. Satyricon - Mother North
44. Shade Empire - Dreamesque
45. Apocalyptica - Conclusion
46. Blackmore's Night - Mond Tanz
47. Мельница - Леопард в городе
48. Мастер - Мастер
49. Metallica - Whiplash
50. Megadeth - Hangar 18
51. Mantas - Sayonara
52. Machine Head - Wolves
53. Nobody One - Мёртвый Блюз
54. Dream Theater - Learning to live
55. Ария - Мания величия
56. Артерия - Дорога Без Тебя
57. Сергей Маврин - Джэм
58. Victor Smolski - Menvet
59. Tarja Turunen - Instrumental solo 1
60. Nightwish - Last Of The Wilds (Irish folk-rock)
61. Dimmu Borgir - Masses For The New Messiah
62. At The Gates - The Flames Of The End
63. Cradle Of Filth - The Forest Whispers My Name
64. Burzum - Die Liebe Nerpus'
65. Shade Empire - End Of Dreams
66. Nobody One - 170406
67. Opeth - Weakness
68. Death - The Exorcist
69. Children Of Bodom - Sixpounder
70. In Flames - Hargalaten
71. Blind Guardian - Weird Dreams
72. Blackmore's Night - Wish you we here
73. Black Sabbath - Hand Of Doom
74. Aerosmith - You Gotta Move
75. Dream Theater - Lost Not Forgotten
76. Iron Maiden - Aces High
77. Guns N' Roses - Since I Don't Have You
78. Motley Crue - Nona
79. Queen - How Can I Go On
80. Scorpions - Maybe I Maybe You
81. Metallica - I Disappear
82. Мельница - Не ломай
83. Apocalyptica - Resurrection
84. Nightwish - Meadows Of Heaven
85. Tarja Turunen - Instrumental solo 2
86. Dimmu Borgir - Glittertind
87. Iron Maiden - Wasted Years
88. Metallica - No Leaf Clover
89. Ария - Осколок льда
90. Мастер - Лабиринт
91. Артерия - Стальные Нервы
92. Jug - Direction
93. Tarja Turunen - Instrumental solo 3
94. Apocalyptica - Heat
95. Victor Smolski. Chapter 3
96. Blackmore's Night - Mr. Peagram's Morris And Sword
97. Мельница - Тарантелла
98. Black Sabbath - Laguna Sunrise
99. Guns N' Roses - Instrumental Jam
100. Ария - Феникс
101. Howard Shore - Winding The Clocks
102. Nightrage - Solus
103. Roadrunner United - Annihilation By The Hands Of God - Instrumental
104. Queen - I'm Going Slightly Mad
105. Scorpions - Concerto In V
106. Judas Priest - The Green Manalishi
107. Metallica - King Nothing
108. Сергей Маврин - Всё
16 ноября 13, 21:42
VA - The+Best+Instrumental+Metal+-+vol.04 (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.04
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Viking Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Power Metal, Glam Metal, Symphonic Power Metal, Sympho Black Metal, Pagan Metal
01. Iron Maiden -The Ides Of March
02. Mayhem - Funeral Fog
03. Jug - How do you know
04. Ария - Тореро
05. Metallica - No remorse
06. Kreator - Coma of Souls
07. Мастер - Сон
08. Sepultura - Inner Self
09. Testament - Signs Of Chaos
10. Machine Head - Clenching The Fists Of Dissent
11. Megadeth - Dawn Patrol
12. Death - Voice of The Soul
13. Darkthrone - Intro Twilight Dimension
14. Dimmu Borgir - Blessing Upon the Throne of Tyrany
15. Cradle Of Filth - Nymphetamine Fix
16. Lacuna Coil - I Won't Tell You
17. Nightwish - Creek Mary's Blood
18. Victor Smolski - The Inquisitors Dream
19. Сергей Маврин - Покаяние
20. Кипелов - Я Свободен
21. Metallica - The Unforgiven
22. Артерия - Конец игры
23. Burzum - Balferd Baldrs
24. Эпидемия - Встречный Ветер
25. Аркона - Покровы Небесного Старца
26. Amon Amarth - Guardians of Asgaard
27. In Flames - Delight And Angers
28. Children Of Bodom - Done With Everything, Die For Nothing
29. Accept - Balls To The Wall
30. Ария - Путь в никуда
31. Blind Guardian - A Past and Future Secret
32. Коррозия Металла - Только вперёд
33. Black Sabbath - Electric Funeral
34. Aerosmith - Cryin'
35. ACDC - Chase The Ace
36. Deep Purple - Child in time
37. Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons
38. Gorky Park - Taiga
39. Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry
40. Helloween - I Can
41. Judas Priest - Victim of changes
42. Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick
43. Manowar - The March
44. Queen - We Will Rock You
45. Scorpions - Still loving you
46. Korpiklaani - Nordic Feast
47. Аркона - Русь
48. Черный Кофе - Александрия
49. Коррозия Металла
50. Ария - Память о ...
51. Мастер - Amsterdam
52. Metallica - Welcome Home(Sanitarium)
53. Megadeth - Vortex
54. Judas Priest - The Hellion
55. Helloween - Perfect Gentleman
56. Guns N' Roses - Estranged
57. Dream Theater - A Rite of Passage
58. Deep Purple - First Day Jam
59. Metallica - Fuel
60. Black Sabbath - Embryo
61. Aerosmith - Dream On
62. ACDC - D.T
63. Queen - A Winter's Tale
64. Scorpions - Wind of Change
65. Victor Smolski - The Heretic
66. Сергей Маврин - De Ja Vu
67. Кипелов - Сальери
68. Артерия - Почувствуй
69. Jug - Better
70. Nightwish - Crimson Tide And Deep Blue Sea
71. Lacuna Coil - Lacuna Coil - Within Me
72. Cradle Of Filth - I Am The Thorn
73. Dimmu Borgir - Blood Hunger Doctrine
74. Apocalyptica - i don't care
75. Amon Amarth - Hermod's ride to Hel
76. Children Of Bodom - If You Want Peace... Prepare for War
77. In Flames - Deliver Us
78. Korpiklaani - Nuolet Nomalan
79. Аркона - Славься, Русь!
80. Burzum - I Heimr Heljar
81. Darkthrone - Snowfall
82. Death - Together As One
83. Эпидемия - Instrumental
84. Кипелов - Дыханье тьмы
85. Iron Maiden - The Nomad
86. Blind Guardian - Beyond The Ice
87. Ария - Чёрная легенда
88. Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills
89. Nightwish - Dark Chest of Wonders
90. Apocalyptica - Улица роз
91. Metallica - Whiskey In The Jar
92. Megadeth - She-Wolf
93. Machine Head - Halo
94. Dream Theater - A Rite of Passage
95. Queen - Another One Bites The Dust
96. Мастер - Time X
97. Коррозия Металла - Омовение трупов
98. Мастер - Romance
99. Iron Maiden - Wasting Love
101. Артерия - Проснись!
102. Nightwish - Eramaan Viimeinen
103. Сергей Маврин - Вчера
104. Howard Shore - Caught
105. Черный Кофе - Соло скелета
106. Apocalyptica - Life Burns!
107. Ария - Мечты
108. Metallica- To Live Is To Die
16 ноября 13, 21:39
VA - The+Best+Instrumental+Metal+-+vol.03 (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.03
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Symphonic Power Metal, Sympho Black Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Viking Metal, Power Metal, Atmosheric Black Metal
01. Terminator - Metal cover
02. Коррозия Металла - Весёлая песня
03. Mayhem - Life Eternal
04. Jug - Footsteps
05. Iron Maiden - Losfer Words (Big 'Orra)
06. Rage - What's Up
07. Metallica - Hit The Lights
08. Ария - Это Рок
09. Коррозия Металла - Низвержение в Мальмстрим
10. Мастер - Руки Прочь
11. Сергей Маврин - Запрещённая реальность
12. Megadeth - Almost Honest
13. Death - Suicide Machine
14. Morbid Angel - Victorious March of Reign the Conqueror
15. Sepultura - Refuse-Resist
16. Testament - Last Call
17. Suffocation - Blood Oath
18. Cannibal Corpse - Infinite Misery
19. Behemoth - The Oak Between The Snows
20. Darkthrone - Order Of The Ominous
21. Kotov Kirill - That Was Just Your Life (Metallica Cover)
22. Machine Head - Beautiful Morning
23. Chimaira - Implements Of Destruction
24. Ария - Горящая стрела
25. Iron Maiden - Phantom Of The Opera
26. Children Of Bodom - Blooddrunk
27. In Flames - Come clarity
28. Эпидемия - В небеса
29. Blind Guardian - A Dark Passage
30. Коррозия Металла - Вместе Весело Шагать
31. Guns N' Roses - Better
32. Alice Cooper - Keepin' Halloween Alive
33. Aerosmith - Boogie Man
34. AC-DC - Big Gun
35. Black Sabbath - After Forever
36. Judas Priest - Prelude
37. Dream Theater - A Nightmare To Remember
38. In Extremo - Ai Vis Lo Lop
39. Коррозия Металла - Любимый Военный Марш
40. Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy train
41. Gorky Park - Volga boatman
42. Accept - Just By My Own
43. Сергей Маврин - Крылья
44. Черный Кофе - Обитель
45. Мастер - Когда я умру
46. Черный Обелиск - You keep on moving
47. Victor Smolski - The Necromancer
48. Burzum - Daudi Baldrs
49. Cradle Of Filth - Painting Flowers White Never Suited My Palette
50. Dimmu Borgir - Spellbound by the Devil
51. Ария - Дьявольский зной
52. Metallica - Disposable Heroes
53. Kotov Kirill - My Apocalypse (Metallica Cover)
54. Kreator - Amok Run
55. Мастер - Позвони мне, позвони
56. Sepultura - Jasco
57. Korpiklaani - Kipakka
58. In Flames - Acoustic Medley
59. Nightwish - Bye Bye Beautiful
60. Manowar - Today Is A Good Day To Die
61. Коррозия Металла - Вселенная
62. Сергей Маврин - Истерия
63. Victor Smolski - Witches Hammer
64. Burzum - Hermodr a Helferd
65. Lacuna Coil - Aeon
66. Bathory - Untitled
67. Falkenbach - Tanfana
68. Nomans Land - Fjell og Fjord
69. Аркона - По Сырой Земле
70. Артерия - К тридцати
71. Мастер - Таран
72. Megadeth - Absolution
73. Apocalyptica - Deep Down Ascend
74. Scorpions - Here I amSend Me an Angel
75. Queen - The Show Must Go On
76. Led Zeppelin - Kashmir
77. Guns N' Roses - Civil War
78. Black Sabbath - Children Of The Grave
79. ACDC - Highway To Hell
80. Aerosmith - Circle Jerk
81. Alice Cooper - Poison
82. Amon Amarth - under the northern star
83. Bathory - Outro
84. Nomans Land - Nomans Land
85. In Extremo - Requiem
86. Chimaira - Instrumental From Six
87. Suffocation - Dismal Dream
88. Morbid Angel - Instrumental
89. Death - Flattening of Emotions
90. Suffocation - Pray For Forgiveness
91. Kaat - анёл...
92. Kaat - вечнае жыццё...
93. Megadeth - Duke Nukem Theme
94. Alice Cooper - Might as Well Be on Mars
95. Ozzy Osbourne - Dreamer
96. Iron Maiden - fear of the dark
97. Krisiun - Serpents Specters
98. Kaat - душа...
99. Kaat - застацца...
100. Коррозия Металла - Марш Дракулы
101. Manowar - My Spirit Lives On
102. Сергей Маврин- Макадаш
103. Кипелов - Встань, Страх Преодолей
104. Metallica- Orion
105. Cradle Of Fitlh - Rise of the Pentagram
106. Эпидемия - Эпилог
107. Черный Кофе - Ночной ястреб
108. Rage - Unity
16 ноября 13, 21:35
VA - The+Best+Instrumental+Metal+-+vol.02 (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.02
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, Gothic Metal, Sympho Black Metal, Power Metal, Viking Metal, Neo-Classic Metal
01. Metallica & Joe Satriani - Instrumental
02. Ария - Грязь
03. Mayhem - Buried By Time And Dust
04. Burzum - Tomhet
05. Metallica - Fade To Black
06. Мастер - Ночь
07. Коррозия Металла – В Глубине Моря
08. Victor Smolski - The Testamony
09. Сергей Маврин - Фортуна
10. Черный Кофе - Калифорния
11. Чёрный Обелиск - Шок и трепет
12. Артерия - Sei!nere!
13. Троя - Кривое Озеро
14. Эпидемия - Звон Монет
15. Аркона - Купала и Кострома
16. Коррозия Металла - Любимые военные марши транспортных рабочих
17. Emperor - Introduction
18. Rotting Christ - Fethroesforia
19. Panzerchrist - Surrender Is Not An Option
20. Pagan Reign - Новгородские пляски
21. Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of the Great Apocalypse
22. Metallica - Master Of Puppets
23. Jug - Dead Happy
24. Emperor - Opus A Satana
25. Darkthrone - Crossing The Triangle Of Flame
26. Cannibal Corpse - Frantic Disembowelmen
27. Death - Bite The Pain
28. Morbid Angel - Doom Creeper
29. Paradise Lost - Lost Paradise
30. Lacuna Coil - You Create
31. Crematory - The Atmosphere
32. Cradle Of Filth - Bloody Tears
33. Nightwish - Amaranth
34. Ancient - Neptune
35. Amon Amarth - Cry of the Black Birds
36. Bathory - Oden Ride Over Nordland
37. Behemoth - Goat With A Thousand Young
38. Sepultura - Kaiowas
39. Testament - Electric Crown
40. Gods Tower - Inis Afalon
41. Korpiklaani - Free Like an Eagle
42. Motorhead - Tear Ya Down
43. Megadeth - A Secret Place
44. Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate
45. Iced Earth - The Funeral
46. Gorky Park - Liquid Dreams
47. Grave Digger - Highland Farewell
48. Iron Maiden - Genghis Khan
49. Deep Purple - Highway Star
50. Black Sabbath - Iron Man
51. Aerosmith - Amazing
52. AC-DC - Back In Back
53. Iced Earth - 1776
54. Guns N' Roses - Ain't It Fun
55. Judas Priest - Painkiller
56. Metallica - Seek & Destroy
57. Queen - A Kind Of Magic
58. Paradise Lost - Instrumental
59. Led Zeppelin - Eye Of The Tiger
60. Jon Lord - Kashmir
61. Коррозия Металла - Любимый военный марш
62. Коррозия Металла - Любимые военный марши
63. Accept - Drifting Away
64. Victor Smolski - Hex of the Six Strings
65. Сергей Маврин – Виктория
66. Коррозия Металла – На Корабле
67. Эпидемия - Встречный ветер
68. Bathory - Heimfard
69. Metallica - Until It Sleeps
70. Children Of Bodom – Are You Dead Yet
71. Chimaira - The Heart Of It All
72. Dark Tranquility - Cathode Ray Sunshine
73. Dimmu Borgir's - In Death's Embrace
74. Cradle Of Filth -Castlevania - Bloody Tears
75. In Flames - Artifacts Of The Black Rain
76. Nightwish - Arabesque
77. Apocalyptica - Bittersweet
78. Blind Guardian - A Dark Passage
79. Behemoth - The Arrival
80. Blood Covenant - At the Cross
81. Carcass - Genital Grinder
82. Falkenbach - Gjallar
83. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
84. Manowar - Overture To Odin
85. Led Zeppelin - Immigration Song
86. Nomans Land - Ale
87. Аркона - Ой, Печаль-Тоска
88. Dimmu Borgir - Arcane Lifeforce Mysteria
89. Ancient - 5
90. Apocalyptica - En Vie
91. Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
92. Коррозия Металла – Остров
93. Эпидемия - Всадник из льда
94. Kaat - няма жыцця, есць толькi смерць
95. Krisiun - Doomed
96. Kaat - through the suicide(шляхам самагубства)
97. Howard Shore - Through The Station
98. Metallica - Bleeding Me
99. Ария - Без Тебя
100. Burzum - Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale Saule Der Singularitat
16 ноября 13, 21:32
VA - The+Best+Instrumental+Metal+-+vol.01 (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.01
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Hard Rock, Glam Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Viking Metal, Power Metal
01. Мастер -YYZ
02. Ария - Химера
03. Mayhem - Freezing Moon
04. Jug - Slapshot
05. Iron Maiden - Transylvania
06. Metallica- Anesthesia
07. Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
08. Helloween - Forever And One
09. Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water
10. Коррозия Металла - Троглодит
11. Napalm Death - Harmony Corruption
12. Motorhead - Ace Of Spades
13. Megadeth - Youthanasia
14. Judas Priest - Breakin the law
15. Gorky Park - Moscow Calling
16. Manowar - William's Tale
17. Death - Legion Of Doom
18. Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence
19. Eisregen And The Vision Bleak-Anesthesia (pulling teeth)
20. Morbid Angel - Beneath The Hollow
21. Darkthrone - Eon
22. Immortal - Wonderland
23. Iced Earth - Transylvania ( Iron Maiden Cover)
24. Ария - Встань,страх преодолей
25. Коррозия Металла - Седьмые ворота ада
26. Metallica- The call of Ktulu
27. Кипелов-Мечты
28. Mayhem - Pagan Fears
29. Napalm Death - Breed to Breathe
30. Machine Head - A Farewell To Arms
31. Jug - Rejected
32. Kreator - Suicide terrorist
33. Sepultura - Inquisition Symphony
34. Sodom - Procession to Golgatha
35. Черный Обелиск - Шок и трепет
36. Черный Кофе - Ностальгия
37. Эпидемия - Прощание с волшебной страной
38. Легион - Апокалипсис
39. The Requiem Mass - To Live Is To Die
40. Bathory - Valhalla
41. Alice Cooper - Titanic Overture
42. AC-DC - Chase The Ace
43. AC-DC - D.T
44. Black Sabbath - War Pigs
45. Rage - Strings To A Web
46. Europe - Boyazont
47. Europe - The final countdown
48. Rage - Fatal Grace
49. Grave Digger - Coming Home
50. Dream Theater - Breaking All Illusions
51. Jon Lord - Before I Forget
52. Anthrax - I'm The Man
53. Megadeth - Into the Lungs of Hell
54. Manowar - Sting Of The Bumblebee
55. Meshuggah - Bleed
56. Metallica - Creeping Death
57. Ария - Волонтёр
58. Легион - Рассвет
59. Троя - Осень
60. Северные Врата - Instrumental
61. Невидь - Невидь
62. Rage - Overture
63. Аркона - От сердца к небу
64. The Mission - Still Deep Waters
65. The Sisters Of Mercy - Serpent's Kiss
66. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
67. Motorhead - Young And Crazy
68. Led Zeppelin - Black Mountain Side
69. Rush - One Little Victory
70. Running Wild - Final Gates
71. Rage - Grapes Of Wrath
72. Ozzy Osbourne - Rock 'n' Roll Rebel
73. Dio - Don'T Talk To Strangers
74. Testament - Confusion Fusion
75. Sodom - Tribute To Moby Dick
76. Slayer - Angel of death
77. Sepultura - Mass Hypnosis
78. Death - Zombie Attack
79. Bathory - Heimfard
80. Rage - Refuge
81. Meshuggah - Future Breed Machine
82. Morbid Angel - Desolate Ways
83. Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah
84. Lost Regrets - Suicide & Redemption (Metallica Cover)
85. Kotov Kirill - Some Kind of Monster (Metallica Cover)
86. Rage - Trauma
87. Motorhead - Religion
88. Кипелов - Здесь Куют Металл
89. Victor Smolski - Baptism Of Fire
90. Сергей Маврин - Волен
91. Мастер - Кто кого
92. Rage - Requiem
93. Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
94. Queen - You Don't Fool Me
95. Ozzy Osbourne - Dee
96. Nightwish - 7 Days To The Wolves
97. MOONSORROW - Tyven
98. Rage - Lunatic
99. Кипелов - Интро
100. Rage - Introduction
101. Кипелов и Маврин -Выпьем еще
102. Soheil Mokhberi - For Whom The Bell Tolls
103. Rage - Intro (Opus 32 Nr. 3)
104. Kaat - спакой
105. Manowar - Black Arrows
106. Rage - Orgy Of Destruction
107. Трызна - Восень
108. Kaat - Вечны сон
109. Accept - Pomp And Circumstance
110. Amon Amarth - The Pursuit of Vikings
111. Antestor - Raad
112. Holy Blood - Крещение Руси
113. Brujeria - Pancho Villa
10 марта 13, 04:49
Beyond+Ye+Grave+ - Ester+Panim (2012)
Исполнитель: Beyond Ye Grave
Альбом: Ester Panim
Год: 2012
Стиль: Black Metal, Death Metal
Страна: Россия
1. Inquisitor’s Bliss
2. Hankering for the Dead
3. Ester Panim
4. Dreadful Morning
5. Bottomless Chalice
6. The Punisher
7. Delirium Nocturnum
8. Drunk Funeral